活躍於藝術與流行文化的知名創作者 Bubi AU YEUNG 首度將多件作品帶到台北,舉辦一場名為 “simply simple me” 的創作個展。
Bubi 的作品以極簡著稱,並且因為基調當代與畫意幽默而廣受歐美亞各地藝術家與收藏家歡迎。這次展出籌劃經年,內容除了有許多首度曝光的全新手繪和版畫創作,現場甚至能見到 Bubi 的私人媒材實驗、立體作品孤本、全新木刻、與藝術家友人的著名翻玩大作等難得作品來自各方齊聚一堂, 可謂誠意十足又情意珍貴。
人在台北的朋友,歡迎於展覽期間蒞臨現場參與和欣賞 Bubi 的 “simply simple me” 個展,一覽 Bubi 10餘年創作生涯中始終不變的簡單心思。
– 10月 19日(五)~ 11月 4日(日)
– 10月 20日(六)15:00~18:00
– Anderson Art 安德昇藝術。
No. 1-1, Lane 75, Yongkang Street, Da’an District, Taipei City, Taiwan
“Simply Simple Me”展覽正式完結!非常感謝各位支持的朋友,今次展覽我收到的各方回應令我受寵若驚,由衷的感恩台灣朋友的善良由於我的中文語文退步了很多
真的感激gallery gladden沒有他們的幫忙和照顧我一個人根本沒可能做到這個展覧, 還要感謝安德昇藝術各方面的配合和支持,謝謝各位!
Most of the time, It’s often hard to express myself in both writing and speaking. Art can speak things that can’t always be said with words, such as feelings, thoughts, the mind, love, faith, hope, ideas, anything abstract. Thus, I love to create my art that could help myself and others to evoke and validate our emotions, providing comfort then present it to the World with an open heart.
I always see myself as a lucky person and truly blessed that I had the chance to work with my incredible agent “gallery gladden” a.k.a the curators of my “Simply Simple Me” solo exhibition in Taiwan. Again, words can’t express the gratitude I feel when I think about what they have done and took great care of me during my stay in Taiwan! Thank you so much Leslie, Vicki and your loving familyLove you guys!
Also, I’m humbled and appreciative for having my artwork on display for two weeks at Anderson Art 安德昇藝術where is not only a pleasant art gallery but also a wonderful place, filled with laughter, fun and positive energy, and also kind, supportive and friendly souls! Please accept my heartfelt thanks for your kindness and things you did for me and my exhibition. Special thanks to Sandy for all the great food and hospitality, Alice being so nice n fun to promote together on social media, and the amazing team of Anderson Art!
Thank you all for putting up with my weirdness, my poor Mandarin and being so considerate that let me hide behind the camera too.
Thank you so much again to all of those who made my solo exhibition possible, my artist friends Jessie Wu, Sergey Safonov, WAS+E© and all of you who helped me along the way, and continue to support my art.
Last but not least, I would like to thank you for all the old and new friends I met this time! Without their support and comments on my work and criticism just the same I would never be able to create another piece.
And most importantly, I have to thank you, the audience and the collectors of my work. Without people out there to look at my work, to appreciate my work for what it is, and to ask questions on the process and the inspiration behind each piece, I would be making art for no one but myself. Thank each and everyone of you for your inspiring words, thoughts, and love for my art. Heartfelt thanks to all collectors for providing a safe and loving home for my artwork.
See you all next time
Much loved and appreciated!
Simply Simple Bubi
Nov 2018
***Special thanks to gallery gladden, Anderson Art
(Photo credits: Alice Chu, gallery gladden, Jerry Wong)
Thank you so much!!