Bubi AU YEUNG 特大號「樹仔(Treeson)」版畫即將發行::
由 gallery gladden 為活躍於藝術與流行文化的創作者 Bubi AU YEUNG 獨家發行的絲印版畫 《The Tree Whisperer》預定 7月寄送,目前已經開始接受預購:做為首度發表又是特大尺寸的版畫作品,Bubi 近半年歷經各式嘗試與慎重調整而進行創作,本件作品採用特殊變色油墨與法國高級畫紙手工印製,尺寸約為 90 x 70 公分,忠實呈現崇尚自然的創作初衷與絲印藝術的細膩質地。
本件作品共發行 12版,每版皆有藝術家親筆簽名。喜歡 Bubi 新計劃的朋友,歡迎與我們聯絡。一向支持 gallery gladden 的朋友們也請廣為分享我們的喜悅。(© gallery gladden & Bubi AU YEUNG, Photo by Claudia TSE)
Since last year, I have been working closely with gallery gladden to make my first GID screen print “The Tree Whisperer”** (90x70cm) which is hand screen printing with the glow in the dark ink on a high quality paper.
Limited to 12 prints.
Please contact vip.gladden@gmail.com for further information.
Special thanks to my great friend Claudia for the professional photography!
**The Tree whisperer who can truly connected to the tree which teaches him how to appreciate our nature and the mother earth.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/gallerygladden/
Website: www.gallerygladden.com